
Programming Language Technology, DAT151/DIT231


Why an interpreter if we can have a compiler?

An interpreter should be compositional!

⟦op (e₁, e₂)⟧ = ⟦op⟧ (⟦e₁⟧, ⟦e₂⟧)

  eval (Op(e₁,e₂)):  
    v₁ ← eval e₁
    v₂ ← eval e₂
    v  ← ...combine v₁ and v₂ according to Op...  
    return v

An interpreter can be specified by:

  1. A mathematical function ⟦_⟧ : Exp → Val (set theory, domain theory).
  2. A relation _⇓_ ⊆ Exp × Val (big-step operational semantics).
  3. A reduction relation _→_ ⊆ Exp × Exp (small-step operational semantics).
  4. Pseudo code.
  5. A reference implementation.

We interpret type-checked programs only, since the meaning of overloaded operators depends on their type.

(To avoid clutter, we reuse the names of the untyped ASTs, e.g. Exp instead ExpT etc.)

Evaluation of arithmetic expressions

In analogy to type-checking Γ ⊢ e : t we have judgement

γ ⊢ e ⇓ v

"In environment γ, expression e has value v."

Environments γ are similar to contexts Γ, but instead of mapping variables x to types t, they map variables to values v.

An environment γ is a stack of blocks δ, which are finite maps from variables x to values v.

Values are integer, floating-point, and boolean literals, or a special value null for being undefined.

This would be an LBNF grammar for our values:

    VInt.    Val  ::= Integer;  
    VDouble. Val  ::= Double;  
    VBool.   Val  ::= Bool;  
    VNull.   Val  ::= "null";  

    BTrue.   Bool ::= "true";  
    BFalse.  Bool ::= "false";  

(It is possible but not necessary to use BNFC to generate the value representation.)

Variable rule.

  ---------- γ(x) = v
  γ ⊢ x ⇓ v

Note that we take the value of the "topmost" x---it may appear in several blocks δ of γ.

    { double z = 3.14;       // (z=3.14)
      int    y = 1;          // (z=3.14,y=1)
      { int x = 0;           // (z=3.14,y=1).(x=0)
        int z = x + y;       // (z=3.14,y=1).(x=0,z=1)
        printInt(z);         // 1
      printDouble(z);        // 3.14

The meaning of an arithmetic operator depends on its static type.

  γ ⊢ e₁ ⇓ v₁    γ ⊢ e₂ ⇓ v₂
  --------------------------- v = divide(t,v₁,v₂)
  γ ⊢ e₁ /ₜ e₂ ⇓ v


Judgement γ ⊢ e ⇓ v should be read as a function with inputs γ and e and output v.

    eval(Env γ, Exp e): Val

    eval(γ, EId x)        = lookup(γ,x)
    eval(γ, EInt i)       = VInt i
    eval(γ, EDouble d)    = VDouble d
    eval(γ, EDiv t e₁ e₂) = divide(t, eval(γ,e₁), eval(γ,e₂))

In the last clause, eval(γ,e₁) and eval(γ,e₂) can be run in any order, even in parallel!

Correctness properties



Expression forms like increment (++x and x++) and decrement and assignment x = e in general change the values of variables.
This is called a (side) effect.
(In contrast, the type of variables never changes. Typing has no effects.)

We need to update the environment.
We return the updated environment along with the value:

γ ⊢ e ⇓ ⟨v; γ'⟩

"In environment γ, expression e has value v and updates environment to γ'."

We write γ[x=v] for updating the topmost (innermost) occurrence of x in environment γ' to value v.

(Note x may appear in several blocks δ of γ.)


  -------------- γ(x) = v
  γ ⊢ x ⇓ ⟨v; γ⟩

  -------------------------------- γ(x) = i
  γ ⊢ ++(int)x ⇓ ⟨i+1; γ[x = i+1]⟩

  γ ⊢ e ⇓ ⟨v; γ'⟩
  γ ⊢ (x = e) ⇓ ⟨v; γ'[x=v]⟩

  γ ⊢ e₁ ⇓ ⟨v₁;γ₁⟩    γ₁ ⊢ e₂ ⇓ ⟨v₂;γ₂⟩
  ------------------------------------- v = divide(t,v₁,v₂)
  γ ⊢ e₁ /ₜ e₂ ⇓ ⟨v;γ₂⟩

The last rule shows: we need to thread the environment through the judgements.

    eval(Env γ, Exp e): Val × Env

    eval(γ, EId x)        =
      ⟨ lookup(γ,x), γ ⟩

    eval(γ, EAssign x e)  = let
         ⟨v,γ'⟩ = eval(γ,e)
      in ⟨ v, update(γ',x,v) ⟩

    eval(γ, EDiv t e₁ e₂) = let
         ⟨v₁,γ₁⟩ = eval(γ, e₁)
         ⟨v₂,γ₂⟩ = eval(γ₁,e₂)
      in ⟨ divide(t,v₁,v₂), γ₂ ⟩

The evaluation order matters now!


    x=0 ⊢ x + x++


    x=0 ⊢ x++ + x.  

State threading behind the scenes

E.g. in Java, we can use an environment env global to the interpreter and mutate it with update.

    eval(Exp e): Val

    eval(EId x):  
        return env.lookup(x)

    eval(EAssign x e):  
        v ← eval(e)
        return v

    eval(EDiv t e₁ e₂):  
        v₁ ← eval(e₁)
        v₂ ← eval(e₂)
        return divide(t,v₁,v₂)

This keeps the environment implicit.
(But careful with function calls, see below!)

In Haskell, we can use the state monad for the same purpose.

    import Control.Monad.State (State, get, modify, evalState)

    eval : ExpState Env Val

    eval (EId x) = do
      γ ← get
      return (lookupVar γ x)

    eval (EAssign x e) = do
      v ← eval e
      modify (λ γ → updateVar γ x v)
      return v

    eval (EDiv TInt e₁ e₂) = do
      VInt i₁ ← eval e₁
      VInt i₂ ← eval e₂
      return (VInt (div i₁ i₂))

    interpret : ExpVal
    interpret e = evalState (eval e) emptyEnv

The Haskell state monad is just sugar. It is implemented roughly by:

    type State s a = s → (a, s)

    get :: State s s                 -- s → (s, s)
    get s = (s, s)

    modify :: (s → s) → State s ()   -- s → ((), s)
    modify f s = ((), f s)

    return :: a → State s a          -- s → (a, s)
    return a s = (a, s)

    (do x ← p; q(x)) s = let
         (a, s₁) = p s
         (b, s₂) = q(a) s₁
      in (b, s₂)

Correctness revisited

We need to start with good environments γ : Γ.
This is defined pointwise: γ(x) : Γ(x) for all x in scope.


Input and output:

  ---------------------- read i from stdin
  γ ⊢ readInt() ⇓ ⟨i; γ⟩

  γ ⊢ e ⇓ ⟨i; γ'⟩
  ---------------------------- print i on stdout
  γ ⊢ printInt(e) ⇓ ⟨null; γ'⟩

We do not model input and output mathematically here.
Note that read i from stdin can also abort with an exception.

Bonus exercise: Could we model evaluation with input and output as a mathematical function?


Statements do not have a value. They just have effects.

γ ⊢ s ⇓ γ'

γ ⊢ ss ⇓ γ'

"In environment γ, statement s (sequence ss) executes successfully, returning updated environment γ'."

Sequencing γ ⊢ ss ⇓ γ':

  γ ⊢ ε ⇓ γ

  γ ⊢ s ⇓ γ₁    γ₁ ⊢ ss ⇓ γ₂
  γ ⊢ s ss ⇓ γ₂

An empty sequence is interpreted as the identity function id : Env → Env,
sequence composition as function composition.


  γ. ⊢ ss ⇓ γ'.δ
  γ ⊢ {ss} ⇓ γ'

Variable declaration.

  γ.δ[x=null] ⊢ e ⇓ ⟨v, γ'.δ'⟩
  γ.δ ⊢ t x = e;  ⇓ γ'.δ'[x=v]


  γ ⊢ e ⇓ ⟨false; γ'⟩
  γ ⊢ while (e) s ⇓ γ'

  γ ⊢ e ⇓ ⟨true; γ₁⟩    γ₁. ⊢ s ⇓ γ₂.δ    γ₂ ⊢ while e (s) ⇓ γ₃
  γ ⊢ while (e) s ⇓ γ₃


  γ ⊢ e ⇓ ⟨true; γ₁⟩    γ₁ ⊢ { s } while e (s) ⇓ γ₃
  γ ⊢ while (e) s ⇓ γ₃


  γ ⊢ e ⇓ ⟨v, γ'⟩
  γ ⊢ return e; ⇓ ??  

Return alters the control flow:
We can exit from the middle of a loop, block etc.!

    bool prime (int p) {
      if (p <= 2) return p == 2;  
      if (divides(2,p)) return false;  
        int q = 3;  
        while (q * q <= p) {
          if (divides(q,p)) return false;  
          q = q + 2;  
      return true;  

Similar to return: break, continue.


return can be modelled as an exception that carries the return value v as exception information.
When calling a function, we handle the exception, treating it as regular return from the function.

γ ⊢ s ⇓ r where r ::= v | γ'

"In environment γ statement s executes successfully,
either asking to return value v,
or to continue execution in updated environment γ'."

The disjoint union Val ⊎ Env could be modeled in LBNF as:

    Return.   Result ::= "return" Val;  
    Continue. Result ::= "continue" Env;  


  γ ⊢ e ⇓ ⟨v, γ'⟩
  γ ⊢ return e; ⇓ v

Statement as expression.

  γ ⊢ e ⇓ ⟨v, γ'⟩
  γ ⊢ e; ⇓ γ'

Sequence: Propagate exception.

  γ ⊢ s ⇓ v
  γ ⊢ s ss ⇓ v

  γ ⊢ s ⇓ γ₁   γ₁ ⊢ ss ⇓ r
  γ ⊢ s ss ⇓ r

Exercise: How to change while?
One solution:

  γ ⊢ e ⇓ ⟨true; γ₁⟩    γ₁ ⊢ { s } while e (s) ⇓ r
  γ ⊢ while (e) s ⇓ r

Function call.

  γ    ⊢ e₁ ⇓ ⟨v₁, γ₁⟩
  γ₁   ⊢ e₂ ⇓ ⟨v₂, γ₂⟩
  γₙ₋₁ ⊢ eₙ ⇓ ⟨vₙ, γₙ⟩
  (x₁=v₁,...,xₙ=vₙ) ⊢ ss ⇓ v
  -------------------------- σ(f) = t f (t₁ x₁,...,tₙ xₙ) { ss }
  γ ⊢ f(e₁,...,eₙ) ⇓ ⟨v, γₙ⟩

To implement the side condition, we need a global map σ from function names f to their definition t f (t₁ x₁,...,tₙ xₙ) { ss }.


In Java, we can use Java's exception mechanism.

   eval(ECall f es):  
     vs     ← eval(es)        // Evaluate list of arguments
     (Δ,ss)lookupFun(f)    // Get parameters and body of function
     γ      ← saveEnv()       // Save current environment
     setEnv(makeEnv(Δ,vs))    // New environment binding the parameters
     try {
        execStms(ss)          // Run function body
     } catch {
       ReturnException v:  
         setEnv(γ)            // Restore environment
         return v             // Evaluation result is returned value

   execStm(SReturn e):  
     v ← eval(e)
     throw new ReturnException(v)

In Haskell, we can use the exception monad.

    import Control.Monad
    import Control.Monad.Except
    import Control.Monad.Reader
    import Control.Monad.State

    type M = ReaderT Sig (StateT Env (ExceptT Val IO))

    eval :: ExpM Val
    eval (ECall f es) = do
      vs     ← mapM eval es
      (Δ,ss) ← lookupFun f
      γ      ← get
      put (makeEnv Δ vs)
      execStms ss `catchError` λ v → do
        put γ
        return v

    execStm :: StmM ()
    execStm (SReturn e) = do
      v ← eval e
      throwError v


A program is interpreted by executing the statements of the main function in an environment with just one empty block.


What is wrong with this rule?

  γ ⊢ e₁ ⇓ ⟨b₁;γ₁⟩    γ₁ ⊢ e₂ ⇓ ⟨b₂;γ₂⟩
  ------------------------------------ b = b₁ ∧ b₂
  γ ⊢ e₁ && e₂ ⇓ ⟨b;γ₂⟩

Here are some examples where we would like to shortcut computation:

    int b = 1;  
    if (b == 0 && the_goldbach_conjecture_holds_up_to_10E100) { ... }
    int x = 0 * number_of_atoms_on_the_moon;  

Short-cutting logical operators like && is essentially used in C, e.g.:

    if (p != NULL && p[0] > 10)

Without short-cutting, the program would crash in p[0] by accessing a NULL pointer.

Rules with short-cutting:

  γ ⊢ e₁ ⇓ ⟨false; γ₁⟩
  γ ⊢ e₁ && e₂ ⇓ ⟨false; γ₁⟩

  γ ⊢ e₁ ⇓ ⟨true; γ₁⟩    γ₁ ⊢ e₂ ⇓ ⟨b; γ₂⟩
  γ ⊢ e₁ && e₂ ⇓ ⟨b; γ₂⟩

The effects of e₂ are not executed if e₁ already evaluated to false.


  while (x < 10 && f(x++)) { ... }

You can circumvent this by defining your own and:

  bool and (bool x, bool y) { return x && y; }

  while (and (x < 10, f(x++))) { ... }

Digression on: call-by-name (call-by-need) call-by-value

Example 1:

    double (x) = x + x
    double (1+2)

Example 2:

    zero (x) = 0
    zero (1+2)

Languages with effects (such as C/C++) mostly use call-by-value.
Haskell is pure (no effects) and uses call-by-need, which refines call-by-name.

Andreas Abel, updated 2023-11-16