Compiling C-- to JVM

Programming Language Technology, DAT151/DIT231

(Additional notes complementing the slides.)

Tasks of the compiler

  1. Produce binary code or symbolic assembly.

  2. Translate variable names to addresses

  3. Translate expression trees to stack instruction sequences

  4. Translate control structures and boolean operations to jumps

  5. Translate function calls into machine-level calls

Infrastructure of the compiler

Signature (global symbol table):

Context (local symbol table):

  1. allocate local variables (newLocal)
  2. resolve variable names to addresses (lookupVar)
  3. free variables when exiting a block (newBlock, popBlock)


  1. generate new labels
  2. manage local variable context
  3. keep track of maximum stack use
  4. append generated code (emit)

The emit function:

We specify the compiler by so-called compilation schemes (pseudo-code describing syntax-directed traversal).

Compiling expressions

An expression of type t is compiled to instructions whose effect is to leave a new value of type t on top of the stack, and leave the rest of the stack unchanged.

  compileExp(EInt i):  
    emit(iconst i)

  compileExp(EAdd t e₁ e₂):  
    emit(t-add)            -- either iadd or dadd

  compileExp(EVar x):  
    a <- lookupVar
    emit(t-load a)         -- either iload or dload

  compileExp(ECall x es)
    for (e ∈ es):          -- compile function arguments
    f <- lookupFun(x)      -- get the Jasmin name of function x
    emit(invokestatic f)   -- emit function call

  compileExp(EAss x e):  
    a <- lookupVar x
    emit(t-store a)        -- either istore or dstore
    -- Problem here

(We omit emit in the following.)

Compiler correctness

JVM Small-step semantics without jumps:

    i : ⟨V,S⟩ → ⟨V',S'⟩

    i      : JVM instruction (or instruction sequence)
    V / V' : variable store before/after
    S / S' : stack before/after

We say γ ~ V if environment γ translates to variable store V.

Correctness statement (simplified):

If γ ⊢ e ⇓ ⟨v, γ'⟩ and γ ~ V then compileExp(e) : ⟨V,S⟩ →* ⟨V',S.v⟩ such that γ' ~ V'.

Correct translation of assignment:

  compileExp(EAss x e):  
    a <- lookupVar x
    emit(t-store a)
    emit(t-load a)

Compiling statements

A statement (sequence) is compiled to instructions whose effect on the stack is nil (no change).

  compileStm(SInit t x e):  
    a <- newLocal t x
    t-store a              -- either istore or dstore

  compileStm(SExp t e):  
    t-pop                  -- either pop or pop2

  compileStm(SBlock ss):  
    for (s : ss)

Correctness statement (simplified):

If γ ⊢ s ⇓ γ' and γ ~ V then compileStm(s) : ⟨V,S⟩ →* ⟨V',S⟩ such that γ' ~ V'.

Compiling booleans

The simplest compiler will compile boolean expressions to instructions that leave either 0 (for false) or 1 (for true) on the stack.
However, this leads to convoluted translation of control-flow statements like if and while.


  while (i < j) {...}


  L0:            ;; beginning of loop, check condition
  iload_1        ;; i
  iload_0        ;; j
  if_icmplt L2   ;; i < j ?  
  iconst_0       ;; no: put false
  goto L3
  L2:            ;; yes: put true
  L3:            ;; boolean value of i < j is on top of the stack
  ifeq L1        ;; if top of stack is 0, exit while loop
  goto L0        ;; repeat loop
  L1:            ;; end of loop

We would like to skip the computation of the boolean value, but jump directly according to the condition:

  L0:            ;; beginning of loop, check condition
  iload_1        ;; i
  iload_0        ;; j
  if_icmpge L1   ;; exit loop if i ≥ j
  goto L0        ;; repeat loop
  L1:            ;; end of loop

We can get close to this in a compositional way by compiling boolean expressions as jumps to either label Ltrue (if the expression will get value true) or label Lfalse (otherwise).

compileBool (Exp e, Label Ltrue, Label Lfalse)

For compiling control-flow, we use it as follows:

compileStm(SWhile e s):  
  Lstart, Ltrue, Lfalse ← newLabel
  compileBool (e, Ltrue, Lfalse)
  goto Lstart

compileStm(SIfElse e s₁ s₂):  

compileBool is given by the following compilation schemes:

Sometimes booleans need to be represented by 0 and 1,
e.g. when assigning to a boolean variable:

    compileExp(e) | typeOf(e) == bool:  
      Ltrue, Lfalse <- newLabel
      iconst_1                       -- speculate "true"
      compileBool(e, Ltrue, Lfalse)
      Lfalse:                        -- no? change to "false"