Interpreting functional languages

Programming Language Technology, DAT151/DIT231

The lambda-calculus

At the core of functional languages is the λ-calculus.
In pure λ-calculus, everything is a function.

Expressions e of pure λ-calculus are given by this grammar:

    e,f ::= x        -- Variable
          | f e      -- Application of function f to argument e
          | λx → e   -- Function: abstraction of x in e

This is a subset of the Haskell expression syntax.
The abstract syntax corresponds to this LBNF grammar:

    EId.   Exp3 ::= Ident;  
    EApp.  Exp2 ::= Exp2 Exp3;  
    EAbs.  Exp  ::= "λ" Ident "→" Exp;  

    coercions Exp 3;  

Example: x y z should be read (x y) z.

A small extension of the lambda-calculus

We consider an extension by let, numerals, and primitive operators:

     ...  | let x = e in f
          | let x₁ = e₁; ...; xₙ = eₙ in f
          | n                   -- E.g. 0,1,2..  
          | e₁ op e₂            -- op could be +,-,...  
     ELet.  Exp  ::= "let" [Bind] "in" Exp;  
     EInt.  Exp3 ::= Integer;  
     EOp.   Exp1 ::= Exp1 Op Exp2;  

     Bind.  Bind ::=  Ident "=" Exp;  
     separator Bind ";";  

let x = e in f could be regarded just syntactic sugar for (λ x → f) e,
and let x₁ = e₁; ...; xₙ = eₙ in f as sugar for (λ x₁ → ... λ xₙ → f) e₁ ... eₙ.

But let is conceptually important.

Convenient syntactic sugar:

Running example:

      double x     = x + x
      comp   f g x = f (g x)
    in let
      twice  f     = comp f f
        twice twice double 2

Example (Church numerals):

    never  f = λ x → x
    once   f = λ x → f x
    twice  f = λ x → f (f x)
    thrice f = λ x → f (f (f x))

Functional languages vs. imperative languages

In λ-calculus and functional languages, functions are first class.
They can be:

  1. called (naturally, also in imperative languages)
  2. passed as arguments (in some imperative languages)
  3. returned as results (impossible in imperative languages)

E.g. 2. in C:

int comp  (int f(int), int g(int), int x) {
  return f(g(x));  

Trying 3. let twice f = comp f f in twice double in C:

The essential feature of functional languages is not anonymous functions (via λ) but partial application, forming a new function by giving less arguments than the function arity.

Example: The increment function:

    let plus x y = x + y in plus 1

Can be written as anonymous function λ y → 1 + y.

Free and bound variables

In λ x → x y, variable y is considered free while x is bound by the λ.
In let x = y in x, variable y is free and x is bound by the let.
Both let and λ are binders.

Free variable computation:

    FV(x)                        = {x}
    FV(f e)                      = FV(f) ∪ FV(e)
    FV(λ x → e)                  = FV(e) \ {x}
    FV(let x₁=e₁;...;xₙ=eₙ in f) = FV(e₁,...,eₙ) ∪ (FV(f) \ {x₁,...,xₙ})

An expression without free variables is called closed, otherwise open.
For closed expression, we are interested in their value.

Running example continued:

A value v (in our language) can be a numeral (int value) or a λ (function value).

OBS! Some closed expressions do not have a value, e.g.

(λ x → x x) (λ x → x x)

How to compute the value of an expression?

Digression: Fix-point combinator and Russel paradox

Example (fix-point combinator)

Y f = (λ x → f (x x)) (λ x → f (x x))

Y f = f (Y f) = f (f (Y f)) = f (f (f (Y f))) ...  

Example (faculty function)

f n = if n <= 1 then 1 else n * f (n-1)

Y f n = n!  

Russel paradox: read application x y as y ∈ x.
Define the Russel set x ∈ R if x ∉ x:

R x = not (x x)

Does R contain itself?

R R = (λ x → not (x x)) (λ x → not (x x))
    = not (R R)
    = not (not (R R))
    = not (not (not ...))


Idea: compute the value by substituting function arguments for function parameters, and evaluating operations.

    (λ x → 1 + x) 2
    ↦  1 + 2
    ↦  3

    let x = 2 in 1 + x
    ↦  1 + 2
    ↦  3

This is formally a small-step semantics e ↦ e', called reduction.

Reduction rules:

    (λ x → f) e               ↦  f[x=e]    -- named β by Alonzo Church
    let x = e in f            ↦  f[x=e]
    let x₁=e₁;...;xₙ=eₙ in f  ↦  f[x₁=e₁;...;xₙ=eₙ]

The lhs (left hand side) is called a redex (reducible expression) and the rhs (right hand side) its reduct.

Strategy question: where and under which conditions can these rules be applied?

  1. Full reduction: anywhere and unconditional
  2. Leftmost-outermost reduction: Reduce the redex which is closest to the root of the expression tree, and if several exist, the leftmost of these.
  3. Leftmost-innermost: Reduce the leftmost redex that does not contain any redexes in subexpressions.
  4. Call-by-name: same as 2. but never reduce under λ.
  5. Call-by-value: same as 3. but never reduce under λ, and thus do not consider anything under a λ as a redex.


(λ f y → (λ x → x) f (f y))  ((λ z → z) 42)


Substitution f[x=e] of course does not substitute bound occurrences of x in f:

      (λ x → (λ x → x)) 1
    ↦ (λ x → x)[x=1]
    = (λ x → x)

Still substitution has some pitfalls related to shadowing:

Example: let x = 1 in (λ f x → f x) (λ y → x)

What goes wrong here?

Variable capture problem in (λ x → f x)[f = λ y → x]:
Naive substituting under a binder can produce meaningless results.
Here, the free variable x is captured by the binder λ x.


  1. Never substitute open expressions under a binder.

    For evaluation of closed expressions, we can use strategies that respect this imperative.
    E.g., call-by-value, call-by-name.

  2. Rename bound variables to avoid capture.

        (λ x → f x)[f = λ y → x]
      = (λ z → f z)[f = λ y → x]
      = (λ z → (λ y → x) z)
      ↦ λ z → x

Consistently renaming bound variables does not change the meaning of an expression.


There are terms that reduce to themselves!

      (λ x → x x) (λ x → x x)
    ↦ (x x)[x = (λ x → x x)]
    = (λ x → x x) (λ x → x x)

Such terms do not have a value.

Big-step semantics

We use the notation let γ in e where γ is a list of bindings xᵢ = eᵢ.
This list may be called environment.

Just like for C--, we can give a big step semantics γ ⊢ e ⇓ v for the lambda-calculus. In terms of reduction this should mean:

(let γ in e) ↦* v


The big-step semantics corresponding to the call-by-value strategy uses an environment of closed values, i.e., γ is of the form x₁=v₁,...,xₙ=vₙ.

A value v is a closed expression which is

The latter is called a closure and may be written ⟨λx→f; δ⟩ or (λx→f){δ} (IPL book).

Evaluation rules:


     γ ⊢ x ⇓ γ(x)


     γ      ⊢ e₁ ⇓ v₁
     γ,x=v₁ ⊢ e₂ ⇓ v₂
     γ ⊢ let x = e₁ in e₂ ⇓ v₂


     γ ⊢ (λx → f) ⇓ (let γ in λx → f)


     γ      ⊢ e₁ ⇓ let δ in λx → f
     γ      ⊢ e₂ ⇓ v₂
     δ,x=v₂ ⊢ f ⇓ v
     γ ⊢ e₁ e₂ ⇓ v

Exercise: Evaluate (((λ x₁ → λ x₂ → λ x₃ → x₁ + x₃) 1) 2) 3

Rules for integer expressions:

     γ ⊢ n ⇓ n

     γ ⊢ e₁ ⇓ n₁
     γ ⊢ e₂ ⇓ n₂
     ---------------- n = n₁ + n₂
     γ ⊢ e₁ + e₂ ⇓ n

Drawback of call-by-value: unused arguments are still evalutated.


(\ y -> 1) (twice twice double 2)

The result is 1, but call-by-value will first compute the value of twice twice double 2.


Idea: only evaluate expressions when needed.

Call by name differs from call-by-value by not evaluating arguments when calling functions, but to form a closure. An environment entry c is now itself a closure let δ in e where environment δ is of the form x₁=c₁,...,xₙ=cₙ.

The evaluation judgement is still of the form γ ⊢ e ⇓ v.

Evaluation rules:


     δ ⊢ e ⇓ v
     ---------- γ(x) = let δ in e
     γ ⊢ x ⇓ v


     γ,x=c ⊢ e₂ ⇓ v₂
     ------------------------- c = let γ in e₁
     γ ⊢ let x = e₁ in e₂ ⇓ v₂

Lambda (unchanged):

     γ ⊢ (λx → f) ⇓ (let γ in λx → f)


     γ     ⊢ e₁ ⇓ let δ in λx → f
     δ,x=c ⊢ f ⇓ v
     ----------------------------- c = let γ in e₂
     γ     ⊢ e₁ e₂ ⇓ v

Rules for integer expressions: (unchanged).

Comparing cbn (call-by-name) with cbv (call-by-value):


Synthesis of call-by-name and call-by-value: call-by-need (Haskell)

Call-by-need example:

    twice twice double 2

    double x = add x x
    comp   f = \ g x -> f (g x)
    twice  f = comp f f

Step visualization with

[step Step, Status]

Literature to study call-by-need: